Data visualization is a powerful tool for nonprofit organizations looking to communicate their impact to donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. However, the cost of data visualization tools can be a barrier for many organizations. In this blog post, we’ll explore some free and easy-to-use data visualization tools that nonprofit organizations can use to visualize their data and communicate their impact effectively.

Tableau PublicTableau Public allows users to create interactive visualizations and dashboards. With Tableau Public, nonprofit organizations can create engaging and informative data visualizations to communicate their impact to donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Tableau Public also allows users to publish their visualizations online, making it easy to share their work with others. But keep in mind, Tableau Public is public. So don’t use it for any data analysis you plan to keep internal. 

Looker Studio (by Google): Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) allows users to connect a variety of data sources to create interactive reports and dashboards that can be published to the web or restricted to certain users. The charting features will be very familiar to users of Google Sheets. 

D3.jsIf you are looking to punch up the types of charts you use, D3.js may be worth a look. It requires some coding knowledge, but the kinds of visualizations you can produce are vast. You can publish the results on your website to the public or restrict them to internal users on private pages. 

InfogramInfogram is another free data visualization tool that you can use to quickly create charts, graphs, and infographics. Infogram can connect to Google Sheets and other data sources, or you can directly manipulate cells in the sidebar. Infogram also offers a wide range of templates and design options, making it easy to create professional-looking visualizations quickly.

FlourishFlourish is a data visualization tool that allows users to create compelling visual stories using interactive charts and diagrams. If you are new to data visualization, its tutorials and samples can help serve as a sandbox for your own learning. Flourish also offers a wide range of templates and design options, making it easy to create professional-looking visualizations quickly.

In conclusion, data visualization is a powerful tool for nonprofit organizations looking to communicate their impact to stakeholders. While the cost of data visualization tools can be a barrier for many organizations, there are many free and easy-to-use options available. By using these tools, nonprofit organizations can create informative and engaging visualizations that help them communicate their impact effectively.

Picture of David J. Dunn

David J. Dunn

David is the founder of Undaunted Consulting. He specializes in data management system optimization and rapid app development for social service, social justice, and environmental justice nonprofits.

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