
During the Assess phase we get to know your organization's strengths, challenges, and ambitions.

Discovery Meeting

Technology’s job is to help you work smarter, not harder. That is why we start by asking lots of questions about what you do. Every initial discovery meeting is free. Sometimes there may be follow-up meetings. We are careful only to take on clients we are convinced we can help. 


Initial Report

After the discovery call, we prepare a 2-3 page report of initial findings and recommendations. Every potential client gets this no matter what. If we think there is potential to revolutionize your operations, we outline next steps. If we decide we’re not the right fit, we point you toward resources that can help. 


Systems Audit

Technology serves people. Therefore, it is vital to understand how your technology and your human operations work together. We combine qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to obtain a holistic picture of the pain points, and potential, within your organization. The assessment culminates with a comprehensive report that addresses security, efficiency, savings, and recommended upgrades and investments. 


Ready to work smarter, not harder?

Our four-step process — assess, plan, develop, deploy — begins with a comprehensive analysis of your tech challenges, followed by a collaborative planning period, phased development with regular progress review meetings, and a support process that maximizes adoption and builds internal capacity. Our nonprofit technology consultants will be your partners to help find the solution that meets your goals and helps your team achieve its dreams. 

During Assess We:

Hold a free discovery meeting where we get the “big picture” of your organization’s mission, vision, and goals. 

Provide you with a free 2-3 page report of initial findings, recommendations, and next steps.

Conduct interviews, focus groups, and forensic system analysis to identify pain points and come up with a plan of action.


Happy Pride!

Undaunted Consulting is celebrating Pride Month by providing FREE consulting services to nonprofits that serve the LGBTQ+ community.